Category: travel

  • Road trip to Kangaroo Island

    Road trip to Kangaroo Island

    The Christmas season in Australia is marked by scorching sun and long drives on roads that cut through hillbilly towns and sun-kissed vistas. This is a time to explore, recharge and experience the great nothingness that Australia offers in abundance. The Aussie Road trip is a sacred ritual that celebrates the spirit of exploration and…

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  • A Laconic Sojourn in Berlin

    A Laconic Sojourn in Berlin

    Recently, I embarked on a three-day whirlwind trip to Berlin, a city that has been a constant in my life since the fall of the Berlin Wall. I watched the wall crumble from my hotel room in London, a young backpacker eager to witness history. A few months later, I was in Berlin, chipping off…

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  • London a long time between pints

    London a long time between pints

    In the spirit of travel, let’s dive headfirst into the swirling vortex of memory, a kaleidoscope of experiences that have shaped my relationship with London. The first time I set foot in London, I was a young Australian backpacker, green as the grass in Hyde Park. I found myself working for a South London startup,…

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  • Electric excursions: with a Cupra Born

    Electric excursions: with a Cupra Born

    In the concrete veins of Melbourne, I found myself ensnared by the seductive allure of modernity: an electric beast known as the Cupra Born. Oh, what a blast! Its acceleration was a raw, undiluted shot to the system, nearly mimicking the ferocity of my Suzuki VStrom motorcycle, a steed I thought unmatched in its visceral…

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  • Black Cat Cafe Fitzroy

    Black Cat Cafe Fitzroy

    In the haze of the late 1980s, I was transported from a yahoo Tasmanian town to the eclectic suburb of Fitzroy, Melbourne. Eager to wander the uncharted alleys of this bohemian city, little did I fathom that the Black Cat Cafe would emerge as my compass for extraordinary geographic and intellectual odysseys. An enclave on…

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  • Dark Mofo: A Rendezvous with the darkness

    Dark Mofo: A Rendezvous with the darkness

    I recently attended the Dark Mofo Festival in Hobart, Tasmania, held in the darkness of a Tasmanian winter. This annual event is organised by the Museum of Old and New Art (MONA) and offers a charismatic mix of art, music, food, and fresh culture. The festival takes place against the stunning backdrop of Hobart, and…

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