Tag: ethics

  • The human in AI: Augmented authorship and its implications for professionals

    The human in AI: Augmented authorship and its implications for professionals

    As artificial intelligence (AI) advances, its role in various industries becomes increasingly significant. This has led to a growing debate about the role of human judgment in creating synthetically authored papers, synthetically drawn works or other creative outputs. In this essay, I will explore the concept of augmented authorship, where AI acts as a copilot…

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  • What is AI Safety

    What is AI Safety

    AI Safety is the interdisciplinary study of ensuring that artificial intelligence (AI) systems are designed and deployed responsibly, minimising risks and maximising benefits for humanity. This field addresses concerns about AI’s potential unintended consequences, biases, and misuse by focusing on areas like robustness, interpretability, and value alignment. Robustness emphasises creating AI that performs reliably even…

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  • The Festival of Dangerous Ideas

    The Festival of Dangerous Ideas

    The Festival of Dangerous Ideas (FODI) is an annual event held in Sydney, Australia, that brings together provocative and influential thinkers to discuss and debate various controversial and challenging issues. It is organised by the Sydney Opera House and the Ethics Centre and has been held since 2009. FODI aims to stimulate public debate and…

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  • Therac-25: the killer of all case studies

    Those involved in writing case studies or teaching ethics to ICT  students may find the Therac-25 case of great interest. Basically it is about a medical machine that delivered a lethal dosage of radiation. But rather than being the fault of an individual; it was an entire systems fault. In other words if you have…

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