Oxford Digital Humanities Summer School

Reception at Natural History Museum

…I arrived in Oxford, OK. And it is raining, and raining, and raining. Still, my college room is excellent and the ale in the pubs runs freely. I am catching the tale-end of the Oxford Digital Humanities Summer School in the hope of attending the last session on ‘putting on a summer school’. A summer school has been on the agenda for the past year or so in Australia, and now there is an international alliance of DH summer schools, it may be easier.

The keynote on the Friday morning was by Professor Andrew Prescott, head of the Department of Digital Humanities at King’s College London, that is available on his blog: Making the Digital Human: anxieties, possibilities, challenges—a very provocative discussion on the state of the field in the UK.

The last remains of the Dodo are in the Natural History Museum



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