Australian Research Enabling Environment

The ARCHER project will setup dedicated task forces for a number of NCRIS priority research capabilities to analyse their e Research data and information management needs and requirements, taking special note of existing IT services available and applicable to each research area. Adapting the generic DART middleware/software tools to suit each research area, these dedicated task forces will further develop the tools to suit the needs of each area, and where possible build and incorporate customised research portals. Part of the ARCHER project methodology will be to productionise the DART software tools, through operational testing, usability and reliability trials, so as to produce robust industrial-strength software tools. There is a need in the future to setup appropriate support mechanisms, maintenance and future development strategies, to ensure that outcomes of short term funded projects like DART and ARCHER can be effectively used and supported long term. It is useful to restate what the DART objectives are:

  • collect, capture and retain large data sets and streams from a range of different sources;
  • deal with the infrastructural issues of scale, sustainability and interoperability between repositories;
  • support deposit into, access to, and annotation by a range of actors, to a set of digital libraries which include publications, datasets, simulations, software and dynamic knowledge representations;
  • assist researchers in dealing with intellectual property issues during the research process; and
  • adopt next-generation methods for research publication, dissemination and access. (Link)



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