Tag: travel

  • Thailand afresh

    Thailand afresh

    Bangkok is an addictive and chaotic symphony of contradictions. The city has morphed from a 15th-century trading post into a sprawling urban jungle where ancient temples stand shoulder-to-shoulder with horrible shopping malls. The city’s complexity is its charm. You can lose yourself in the labyrinthine of the markets, where every stall offers a consumer overload,…

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  • Time and nature: an exploration of Maria Island

    Time and nature: an exploration of Maria Island

    On a severe Wednesday morning, we embarked on an expedition to Maria Island, situated off the east coast of Tasmania. The ferry from Triabunna was conspicuously devoid of visitors, save for us and a couple of scruffy rangers, setting the stage for an intimate and undisturbed exploration of this historically dark and ecologically profuse island.…

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  • The Road to Patagonia (movie review)

    The Road to Patagonia (movie review)

    “The Road to Patagonia” is a travel documentary that follows Melbourne dude Matty Hannon on his journey by motorbike and horse to surf the west coast of the Americas. The film explores themes of love, life, and environmental consciousness as Hannon’s journey intersects with the life of Heather Hillier, a permaculture farmer who becomes his…

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  • Kangaroo highway: A journey through Australia’s Christmas landscape

    Kangaroo highway: A journey through Australia’s Christmas landscape

    A 10-day road trip through the heart of Australia’s landscapes to Kangaroo Island over Christmas was a transformative adventure. From the avian cacophony of Bimbi Park Campground to the seal colony on Kangaroo Island, the journey offered a glimpse of Australia’s vast, raw beauty. The road trip was not just a physical journey but also…

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  • A Laconic Sojourn in Berlin

    A Laconic Sojourn in Berlin

    Recently, I embarked on a three-day whirlwind trip to Berlin, a city that has been a constant in my life since the fall of the Berlin Wall. I watched the wall crumble from my hotel room in London, a young backpacker eager to witness history. A few months later, I was in Berlin, chipping off…

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  • Electric excursions: with a Cupra Born

    Electric excursions: with a Cupra Born

    In the concrete veins of Melbourne, I found myself ensnared by the seductive allure of modernity: an electric beast known as the Cupra Born. Oh, what a blast! Its acceleration was a raw, undiluted shot to the system, nearly mimicking the ferocity of my Suzuki VStrom motorcycle, a steed I thought unmatched in its visceral…

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